Note on our product reviews
In view of the upcoming changes on the topic of product reviews and competition law according to § 5b para. 3 UWG, we would like to briefly inform you here what happens when you submit a review to us.
First of all, you can only leave reviews for products that you have also bought from us. This is technically set up for us. This way, we make sure that the review comes from a person who can/would really like to comment on it.
And as a second step, there is a verification by hand by a staff member. This is also technically set up. This employee ensures once again that there is an order for the product evaluation by comparing the time period with the customer name. In addition, we can then remove the name again and change it to Anonymous if desired. Just let us know directly in the review.
In addition, the content is checked for correctness and it is ensured that there is no inadmissible content (reviews of the company, hate speech, etc.). This way, we ensure that the potential customer also receives relevant information about the product here that is helpful for making a decision.
If you have any further questions on the subject, please do not hesitate to contact us. By email at or by phone between 9am and 4pm on 02591 237 140.