Nutrient deficiency symptoms on plants

28.07.2023 Plant care

When there is a nutrient deficiency, plants can show various characteristic symptoms. These signs vary depending on whether non-mobile or mobile nutrients are involved.

Non-mobile nutrients

  • Boron (B): A lack of boron manifests itself in dying leaflets at the shoot tip. The leaves may wither and turn brown.
  • Copper (Cu): A copper deficiency is manifested by curling and wilting of the youngest leaves. The affected leaves may discolour and die.
  • Sulphur (S): When sulphur is deficient, the youngest leaves show a characteristic yellowing.
  • Manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe): When manganese or iron are lacking, the areas between the leaf veins turn yellow. The leaf veins themselves usually remain green.

Mobile nutrients

  • Zinc (Zn): A zinc deficiency leads to small leaves, whereby the leaves can become smaller than usual.
  • Magnesium (Mg): A magnesium deficiency is shown by yellowing of the areas between the leaf veins, while the veins themselves remain green.
  • Nitrogen (N): In the case of a nitrogen deficiency, the entire leaf turns yellow. The plant draws nitrogen from older leaves to support the growth of young leaves.
  • Potassium (K): A deficiency of potassium leads to the death of the leaf edges, causing them to turn brown and die.
  • Phosphorus (P): A phosphorus deficiency is manifested by a red colouration of the leaves.

It is important to recognise nutrient deficiency symptoms early, as targeted fertilisation or soil amendments may be needed to ensure plant growth and health.

Now you've discovered a deficiency and are asking how you can correct it? Try the Mono series from Canna. They have single nutrient fertilisers for many nutrients.

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